Dumex Consulting

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Organizational developemnt at a glance.

Organizational development is concerned with the planning and implementation of programmes designed to enhance the effectiveness with which an organization functions and response to change.

Organizational development is concerned with process, not systems or structure, process refers to the ways people act, react and interact.

There are seven approaches for improving organizational development, which exists in their own right and is seldom if ever referred to as organizational development interventions, which includes team building, change management, organizational transformation, total quality management, customer care programmes, business process re-engineering and performance management.

OD involves a group of motivated individuals working toward a common goal, and team building is a critical aspect of success. Managers of sd such structures must have a robust understanding of personality types to ensure a productive and collaborative work environment. Team building games and activities promote the formation of creative skills and relationships in the organization.

Why Is Organizational Development Important to Businesses?

The answer to this question may seem obvious: because it addresses and fixes a problem, thereby increasing a business’s effectiveness. While this can be true, OD works to improve organizations in a more systematic way, organization-wide, as Beckhard put it. The purpose of OD is to balance the strengths and weaknesses of a business, restructuring the employment of that business’s resources (i.e. human capital) accordingly to use them most efficiently and productively. This means thorough assessment, planning, employee engagement and training where necessary, and incremental measures to maintain employee performance.

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